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We leave honest feedback for all of our customers and believe this is an essential part of eBay trading and politely request you do the same for us. If in the unlikely event you have a problem with any item supplied by us then please contact us first and discuss the matter, rather than leaving negative feedback. We treat any problem with goods or service very seriously and you WILL receive IMMEDIATE attention.
Wholesalers and dealers are welcome. We are manufacture of all kind of silver, gold & Gem stones jewelry.
- SKU:
- 2666
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ETHNIC TRIBAL GREAT DESIGN OLD SILVER BEAD BRACELET FROM RAJASTHAN INDIA. A GREAT BRACELET FOR THE TRIBAL BELLY DANCE AS ETHNIC JEWELRY COLLECTOR, FOUR STAMPED -SHEET HOLLOW BEADS PIECES ARE STRING IN TRADITIONAL WAY WITH BLACK COLOR CORD. Handcrafted silver antique bracelet, worn by the nomadic & "gypsy" tribes of Rajasthan. Nice old worn piece in good condition. Length -16.5 cm(6.43"),we can adjust length. Size of one silver bead-2.5/2.5/1 cm, Weight-42 grams (1.47 Ounce). MATERIAL-good silver ,original old worn piece.